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Lesson series

The O.P Mentorship Group

Turning Dreamers into Achievers.
Welcome to the much anticipated O.P Mentorship Group. A 1 year course and access to our weekly meetings Tuesdays @9pm EST.
Write your awesome label here.

Begins January 2nd 2024.

Consultation Period

Prior to entering The O.P Mentorship Group you may wish to schedule a FREE consultation call. Whereby you will join an O.P representative on a call to lay out the roadmap for the mentorship, align both yours and our expectations and allow time to ask any questions you may have.

Self Assessment & Peer Groups

Once enrolled onto the course you will complete a full self assessment before being introduced to your peer group. Peer groups will be small communities of up to 10 individuals. Designed to allow you to develop a familiarity, comfortability and connection to others. Providing you with direct support from those in similar positions and a true sense of community and family within your core group. After being introduced to your peer group you will be encouraged to share and discuss your self assessments to truly connect with each others journeys. You will then be invited into the full mentorship group to begin your journey.

Weekly Meetings

From here you will have access to (both live & recorded) the weekly mentorship group sessions.

Weekly sessions will run in the following structure:
1. Live Lesson
2. Live Q&A
3. Live Lesson
4. Live Q&A

Course Content

- Personal Development, Self Assessment, Analysis & - Accountability
- Habit Building
- Social Media Strategy
- Social Media Strategy - Profile Building
- Content & Editing Strategy
- Marketing
- Branding
- Business Development
- Scaling Yourself and Your Business - Habit Building
- Self Assessment, Analysis & Accountability
- Controlling Social Perception
- Learn to Lead or How to be Led
- Haircutting Development 
- Educator Training
- Teaching The D.F.S Formula
- Self Assessment, Analysis & Accountability

The Roadmap

Upon completion of this 12 month programme you will continue to be able to access our weekly calls, community and overall mentorship support.

Flexible payment options

Course price: £2500
Payment plans available
Klarna & Clearpay available on full course price
Meet the instructor


Award winning barber, international educator and all round pioneer of modern barbering and mens hairdressing. The barber.josh.o.p way has cemented its place within the industry with revolutionary cutting processes and techniques alongside his philosophies on mindset and success. The aim through all barber.josh.o.p education is to enhance not only your relationship with barbering but also to enhance your relationship with yourself.
Patrick Jones - Course author